Wire Pricing Update, Q3, Q4 2022

So where do we see wire pricing for the rest of Q3 and Q4, 2022? From all indications, the wire market is softening.

For our domestic wire mills, including NAFTA mills (Canada and Mexico) we expect about a 5% drop towards the end of Q3 and about another 5% drop or 10% cumulative towards the end of Q4. The domestic/NAFTA market has seen about a 20% cumulative drop YTD. For Western Steel & Wire, our domestic/NAFTA wire includes Medium to Hard Galvanized, Bright Basic of various grades and Stainless-Steel Spring and Stainless-Steel Annealed. The majority of all domestic wire is EAF wire. https://allentimmons.com/2021/12/03/bof-vs-eaf-steelmaking/

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